In the spirit of soothing each other in this time of crisis…would love if you, reader, would sing to us, share your songs, your lullabies, your rhymes (or whatever it is that soothes your emotionally flooded mind) in this time of crisis when, to quote Wendell Berry “Despair for the world grows in me/and I wake in the night at the least sound/in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be.”
Thanks, Jeri. I love the "I feel above me the day blind stars/waiting with their light."
A number of people sent me videos in replay but they didn't get posted because I am not sure you can post a link on this comments section. Leonora Hildebrandt posted this one
which I will send and hope it comes through. It is much like Momma's Gonna Buy You a Mocking Bird..more stanzas sung and sung in an effort to soothe..great find!!
Thanks, Jeri. I love the "I feel above me the day blind stars/waiting with their light."
A number of people sent me videos in replay but they didn't get posted because I am not sure you can post a link on this comments section. Leonora Hildebrandt posted this one
which I will send and hope it comes through. It is much like Momma's Gonna Buy You a Mocking Bird..more stanzas sung and sung in an effort to soothe..great find!!
Hi all,
Here is a song that I find beautifully uplifting and befitting our days:
Here is the rest of the Wendell Berry poem:
When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.