Mar 31Liked by Kathleen Sullivan

From a Japanese movie, "When the Last Sword is Drawn," but much paraphrased and rewritten.

The northern land of Maine is hardy and it's peoples too.

The trees split the rocks and even the magnolias blossom facing north!

Be forward thinking, run ahead of the times.

Split the rocks! Blossom!"

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Apr 1Liked by Kathleen Sullivan

For me the problem we face today is captured in Mark 10:17-31. In that parable a rich young man seeks to be a disciple. He leads a pious life but is unwilling to part with his riches. Today, so many of us lead comfortable lives brought to us by the fossil fuel industry. We acknowledge the harm and try to lead conscious lives. We eat less red meat, buy locally and drive a hybrid. But we are unwilling to demand an end to this fossil, fuel era. What will it take for us to say no to Chase, Citi, BOA , Wells and TD and divest from fossil fuel funds ? What will it take for us to ask L.L.Bean to really care about the "outside" and ask Citi to stop funding climate chaos. Or are we like the young man who turns from Jesus, sad, but unwilling to give up the good life? That is my ancient lesson for today.

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