Apr 22Liked by Kathleen Sullivan

SO grateful to be in connection with the ephemeral manifestation of cosmic consciousness that is Kathleen Sullivan! I feel so much resonance with what you've described here and am so grateful you're giving yourself and your readership another week (and hopefully more!) to continue to explore and digest the eclipse. I loved the moment you described about seeing fallen branches and noticing that the old reaction of grief for the trees was replaced by seeing BOTH the wreckage and the new life springing up-- I had a similar moment this past weekend, walking in the woods in Freeport, seeing so many downed limbs and then the words rising up in me, "This is what feeds the forest." Wow. Writing to you from 66 Baribeau Drive --as our cosmic connection continues!!! <3

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Apr 21Liked by Kathleen Sullivan

I felt the same way when my family and I hiked through Yellowstone a year after the major fire there...rejuvenation is wonderful, and I hope Mother Earth will do the4 same...best, chuck glassmire

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Apr 21Liked by Kathleen Sullivan

Sitting on my couch on this Sunday morning, the new day sun streaming in my window, your words have struck a cord. Thank you for this reminder. My cosmic consciousness has received a jolt of renewal. Enjoy your time with the dirt, I will be heading out on the water to watch the wonders there.

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Apr 21Liked by Kathleen Sullivan

Yes, Cosmic Consciousness! I will mourn your hiatus for summer planting and joy! 🥰

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Apr 22Liked by Kathleen Sullivan

What a wonderful thing! You are very fortunate! Forgive me for sounding preachy bit it seems to me that it is wise to not make the mistake of holding on to it but to let it come and go as it will. And it will at one level, but be a constant companion nonetheless.. Don't be disappointed when it seems absent, nor elated if it seems strongly present, don't objectify it or make of it a guest that you want to trap and hold forever. If you can free this new awareness, then you free yourself. Then everything settles into place, you have utmost ease and you can dissolve into pure light or not, as you please.

Or so it seems to me, but what do I know? Not a heck of a lot.

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Apr 22Liked by Kathleen Sullivan

Thank you, Kathleen ... I have been searching for meaning from the "eclipse" and you have helped me find it!

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Beautifully written and oh, so hopeful! I love it. I'll just make the plea to your readers to vote for candidates who most share our values. Such mundane matters remain crucial, even after one has become transcendent.

I have shared the link to this "Code Red and Me: Rethinking Everything" with my Danish bridge partner, Esther, and with Carmen.

Thanks for all you do, Kathleen,


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Apr 21Liked by Kathleen Sullivan

Thank you, dear Kathleen, for Your inspiration: As dog & spouse and I lay on the grass, two of us gazing skywards with a spontaneous community, words left me, and I (body, mind, soul, spirit) felt deeply connected not just to my spouse whose hand was holding mine, or my children with whom I texted momentarily, but to all who gazed skyward, and the cosmos. The immense gravity of the Earth held me as the Sun & Moon merging opened a sense of All being One.

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Apr 21Liked by Kathleen Sullivan

Inspiring words, as usual, Kathleen. You are a gem. I had similar experience with the eclipse. Less vibrations, more extreme gratitude. I will miss your Sunday column this summer. Enjoy your time in the dirt!

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Apr 21Liked by Kathleen Sullivan

Please transmit some of that CC up the coast. And happy digging!

2024 marks 44 years growing food for our community. Big privilege

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Apr 21Liked by Kathleen Sullivan

Thank you for sharing this!

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Rumi's field beyond right and wrong comes to mind. And how if we were to directly behold the glory of the universe at all times we wouldn't be able to do anything but gape. Like, if totality were just happening all the time. But that's the thing, right? It is!! It is. It is. And these glimpses are such precious reminders. Thank you for another glimpse here, Kathleen. Your writing opens up a portal of remembering.

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Thank you for so generously sharing your gifts. I was on an airplane coming home from visiting the grandkids during the eclipse, but that morning we drew pictures of what it might look like. Well, at least 7 year old Jack did. Four year old Sofia changed her mind and drew a pizza instead. Sending you much love.

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