Kathleen, what an amazing piece of writing -- the weaving in of the dialogue with a friend, the passages from your reading, the Hulu show with your grandkids, the personal and the political -- plus the beauty of your sentences and the structure of your rhetoric. I was utterly swept up and adroitly educated, made thoughtful, inspired, and uplifted. Brava, dear sister!! --Rita

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Terrific! Finn is so much more enlightened than I was at his age. I, too, have lived in the world of forgetting. I can’t wait to read your book on the Thomas Means Massacre! I’ll fight for its being required reading in the Freeport HS! Bravo!

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Thanks, Judith!! I will give you the first copy free!!

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Thank you, Rita!! What a great review you write!! This will keep me going!!

With gratitude....


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