As an older child I found great comfort in the room where I slept. I of course referred to it as “my room” not unlike I refer to my studio as “my room” now at 66 years old. I loved going in my room as a teenager and spending hours and hours. I felt cocooned and protected from whatever was on the other side of the door. I wasn’t judged and played house and listen to music in there for hours.

I feel now that the universe through this pandemic has given me permission to stay in that “room” again. My room today is a home in the woods and much much bigger than that room I had as a kid but no more meaningful. I am afraid of losing that permission I have now when the pandemic is in the past. I am thrilled for all others that they can decide what there life is like and want to expand beyond their “room” but I know there are many of us that are just happy with the protection the pandemic has demanded. Thank you Kathleen for always writing a thought provoking blog or in this case creating a forum where I can write about what I already know.

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This is such a beautiful invocation of the idea of a room of our own and the safe place it offers for creativity and exploration. Thanks for sharing this.

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I feel the same reluctance to letting go of some of the behaviors of the last year. I’m excited that we may be safe again, but I’m going to move slowly. There are some new habits that I want to keep.

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Isn't it fascinating, here at the end of the pandemic story, that now there are things we want to keep!!

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