I love eccentric tree-hugging, anti RedHat, pro-environment, good people. When things start spinning apart in chaos be it climate driven or by politics, the center must hold in the tempests. Good people are that center. You, Freeport-CAN as well. Keep on fighting. Do not go gentle into those winds.

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Thanks, Michael. Indeed, no going gentle here! And your support for the tree-hugger is invaluable. It's going to rain here tomorrow, but now we have gob-smackingly beautiful snow and it feels so much better. It rights my insides! Hope you are doing well...

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As well as can be hoped for both of us! Ice melted here and our little drafty Victorian survived our west coast storm. Speaking of the ex-president (and I try not to) I read a wisecrack on Substack Notes of someone saying "God sent us Donald Trump" and the reply, "Why? Did He run out out of locusts?". Ah well...

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The paper by Joseph Merz and colleagues you reference is excellent. It offers a believable path for survival.

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Glad you found it helpful. We need to do all the other supply side things we are doing, but if we don't change our relationship to pillaging the earth's resources, we are doomed. And education doesn't rewire the brain quite like marketing does.

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Kathleen, please have faith (that enough of us are immune to the delusional thinking, greed, and despondency that will paralyze us, and cloud our judgement); hope (that what we are doing will make a difference); and charity (so we have love in our hearts to offset the fear and anger we rightly feel).

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Thanks, Michael. I agree...hold the fear and anger AND the love in or hearts!! It's a lot of work for the poor psyche!!

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Fellow tree-hugger thanks you for your wisdom. Marketing, through social media posts these days, seems to only reach those who are already on-board. How can we reach the ones who think the red hat guy is a savior (gag)? That's the real conundrum.

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So, reason is not a sufficient force to bring about the desired system change. But surely it is essential for doing so. Freud's nephew used reason to 'birth' marketing, and 'marketing' may well be needed to bring about desired system change. But is marketing the best metaphor? Certainly we have to identify the incentive structures in play to produce our patterned behaviors, and weaken those incentive structures. Struggling for greater participation in power structures (government) is a necessary, but not sufficient part of that (imagine AOC as president!). More civil society control of the economy will alter some of those incentive structures. And more tiny home recycled clothing active transportation neighbors will eat away at the dominant incentive structures. All in on all fronts, 'gross' power struggles and the personal is political paradigm and all that's in between pushing for that desired system change. Keep exhorting!

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Great points, Cletis. I think we have to do all you are talking about AND, because we have so little time, learn the tricks of the trade that bombard me every day with the idea that if I buy something I can be :prettier, more popular, high on the social status ladder, safe, happier.

The data is pretty clear that so far, despite all the education and all the acceptance of global warming as an immediate threat, behavior change at the individual level is Not happening very much. People are flying like birds, this Christmas the sales were through the roof, beef is still at the top of the food chain, lawns are still mowed as if long grass and flowers were evil.

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